How Can You Deal With The Negative People in Your Life?

The chances are, you probably know someone who takes an incredible amount of energy away from you, and it seems as though they can make you feel emotionally drained in a matter of seconds. But what can you do when faced with this kind of problem?
Here are some tips that you can implement to protect yourself from negative people and the bad energy that fills your life.
Step 1: Learn to Recognize Negative People with These Common Traits
- Negative people always see life from a negative perspective, and are always the "victim" of any circumstance.
- These people only see problems and limitations in life, but never see the learning experience, or life lessons.
- They are experts in blaming others, and will seldom or never apologize for their share in a situation.
- They lack insight, reflection and awareness to grow and deal with events on their life path constructively.
- They often maintain destructive relationships with partners, children, friends and professional contacts.
- They make little or no effort to deal with a situation positively, but rather put their energy into complaining and grumbling.
- In a conversation, they will always focus on themselves and are not very willing and empathetic about their environment.

Step 2: How Do You Deal with Negative People Efficiently, Without Losing Yourself?
Confront the person with the opposite of negativity by putting the situation in a positive light. (Example: my colleague is always late - replace with: true, but he/she is also the last one to leave the office at night.
You can also opt to change the topic of conversation once the negativity strikes, so that you can create a more positive tone. Or, you could simply tell the person that you are only open to constructive dialogues.
Keep the contact limited if the above tips have no effect. You don't need to put your precious energy into these kinds of relationships.
If the above tips do not help you, you can also choose to stop the relationship with this person. This can be quite painful, but it is sometimes the only solution if this negative pattern has been going on for years, affecting the quality of your life.
Step 3: Read Inspiring Quotes That Can Help You Better Deal with Negative People
Some examples:
- "Your time is precious, spend time with people who have a positive effect on you."
- "Undeveloped people mainly talk about other people. Average people talk about events. Developed people talk about ideas."
- "You only get positive results if you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones."
- "You form the whole of experiences, of what you have heard and seen, smelled and what has been said to you. It's all in you. Everything affects each one of us. That is why I try to make a positive experience out of every experience."

Step 4: Protect yourself and your energy
Author, Fons Delnooz wrote a book titled, Handbook Energetic Protection - and it is an absolute must for those dealing with negative people in their life.
In this book, you will find a lot of exercises and concrete tips that can help you to deal more effectively with negative people. These tips are also very beneficial and powerful for highly sensitive people.
Some Additional Tips That Have Proven to Be Very Effective
Visualize that you are enveloping yourself with a field of beautiful roses. These roses have sharp thorns that block the negativity trying to invade your space. This way your energy field will no longer be polluted.
You can repeat your name in your mind several times while breathing deeply. This will reduce the negative energy that you are experiencing.
You can imagine yourself in a white light that keeps every cell of your body and your thoughts clean and pure, and transports the negative energy back to the sender.
It's important to remember that the problem of dealing with negative people cannot be solved in one day. Often, it requires a lot of training and practice via trial and error.
Most importantly, remember to be positive ☀️ despite the negative people in your path!
Lieve Plasch Lic.Psychology