13 Ways To Boost Your Immune System This Autumn

We are now in the beautiful season of Autumn, and while it is such a pleasure, it is also a time when colds and flu are rife.
And despite the fact that we are exposed to millions of bacteria every day, a healthy immune system works hard to fight these infections and viruses.
But when our immune system is comprised, we experience blocked noses, cold sores, fatigue, and inflammation, aka the dreaded effects of colds, flu and other illnesses.
So here are 13 techniques to help you build a better resistance and to keep your immune system stronger.
1. Choose Healthy and/or Organic Food
- Choose vegetables, fruit, and whole grains such as quinoa, bulgur, spelled, oatmeal, and wholegrain rice.
- Make sure to get enough good fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts.
- Have one or more meatless days a week, and choose more vegetable products for protein such as lentils, chickpeas, and beans.
2. Reduce Sugar Intake
Too much sugar affects the immune system negatively which can then lead to bad colds or flu. If you do find yourself craving something sweet, opt for some tea with organic honey.
3. Include Lots of Vitamins and Minerals in Your Diet
Vitamin C is incredibly important for healthy functioning, and can be found in foods such as kiwis, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower, and red peppers.
4. Drink Plenty of Water and Herbal Tea
Keep your immune system strong by flushing out the toxins in your body with water and herbal teas. Water also helps all of your organs to digest food and absorb nutrients.
5. Avoid Air Pollution
Cigarette smoke and car exhausts, for example, are not only bad for the environment but also for you. They compromise our immunity and cause diseases that are preventable.
6. Get Fresh Air
Breathing in fresh air dilates the airways of our lungs which, in turn, releases airborne toxins. It's advisable to let fresh air flow throughout your home too.
7. Get Enough Sleep
A restorative night's sleep contributes to good resistance, and leaves one feeling more alert, awake and productive.
8. Ensure Adequate Hygiene
Always remember to wash your hands regularly after you have been in contact with people who are sick because it is so easy for bacteria and germs to spread in this manner.
Additionally, when you use the restroom, shake hands, touch doorknobs, public telephones and cash machines, it's strongly advised to cleanse your hands.
9. Target Your Stress
If you can confidently say that you are suffering from stress, decide today to target it and to take on various ways that can relieve stress and bring about more calmness and peace.
Breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, yoga, visiting a sauna, meditation, and adult coloring books are all great methods to address feelings of stress.
10. Move Your Body
You need not dedicate hours of your day to exercise. In fact, a simple 30-minute brisk walk, or riding your bike is a great boost for one's immune system.
Alternatively, find a sport that you enjoy and it'll encourage you to be more active.
11. Practice Deep Breathing
Breathe quietly and deeply, in and out. Doing so, especially during stressful periods, is a way to move your mind away from your worries and focuses on the now.
12. Be Positive
Did you know that by surrounding yourself with positive people, and adapting a happy and optimistic outlook on life, you can actually increase your strength and resistance?
13. Rely on Nature
Protect Plus is one of our latest herbal supplements, in the form of drops, that contribute to an overall better resistance. They're not only ideal for people who regularly suffer from colds and flu, but also inflammation and other discomforts.
Protect plus is a 100% natural remedy, comprised of six plants:
- Turmeric
- Red Sun Hat
- Cat's claw
- Elder
- Thyme
- Eucalyptus
They can be used for adults and children from ages 12 and up, and are taken by adding seven to 10 drops three times a day in a little water or other (non-alcoholic) drinks such as lukewarm tea or fruit juice.
Boost your immune system with Go4Balance Protect Plus.
Lieve Plasch.